Submissions for The Bridgeport Film Fest will open on Friday, December 15, 2023 on FilmFreeway. We are open worldwide to anyone who wishes to enter. We strongly encourage POC and Women Filmmakers to submit. We have a goal to screen at least 50% of projects by Black, Brown and Indigenous Filmmakers. We also plan to screen at least 50% Female Filmmakers.
We are accepting short films and original content with a running time of 25 minutes or under including:
Please read the following carefully before you submit:
Q: Do you offer refunds once I submit to the Bridgeport Film Fest?
A: Unfortunately, no refunds will be provided. Please read all submission requirements carefully!
Q: Is there a "completed after date"?
A: All projects must have been completed after January 1, 2017.
Q: Is there a premiere status requirement?
A: Nope! We welcome all films no matter if they have premiered in other local festivals or online.
Q: My film is in another language, is that okay? Do I need English subtitles?
A: Cool! We love foreign films, but yes you are required to include English subtitles!
Q: Do you pay filmmakers to have their project shared at the Bridgeport Film Fest?
A: We do not pay screening fees, rental fees or licensing fees for submitted films.
Q: Do you offer fee waivers?
A: The Bridgeport Film Fest is a non profit organization and all submission fees go to the cost of putting on the festival. We do give out the occasional fee waiver to filmmakers. If you are a local Bridgeport filmmaker, please reach out.
Q: Are all submitted films screened?
A: All projects will be watched and rated by at least two Screeners after being submitted.
Q: Can I submit more than one film/project?
A: Yes! But you must submit the appropriate fee for each project.
Q: My screenplay is twenty-two pages long and I can't make any more cuts to it. Can I please submit anyway?
A: No, we are sorry but we are keeping a strict rule on screenplays to be a max of twenty pages!
Q: I have a co-writer on my screenplay, is that okay?
A: Yes! But sure to include both names! If your screenplay wins the contest, the writing team must figure out how to "split" the prizes.
Q: If my project/film is not admitted will you be willing to offer me constructive feedback?
A: We are a small team of mostly volunteers running this festival, however we will do our best to reply to you once the festival has closed if you do email us.
Q: You say you watched my film, but my Vimeo link says 0 views?
A: Our team definitely watch all films and projects submitted to us! It's in our best interest as a new festival to make sure we have professional standards! Plus who knows what amazing filmmakers we may encounter. That being said, please be aware that Vimeo stats are sometimes not accurately reported, especially when the link is viewed through a third party app (Roku, Apple TV, etc) or in an third party player/embedded video (FilmFreeway), as stated through Vimeo's own documentation.
Q: Are you planning to have an in person festival?
A: At the moment we are definitely planning for a hybrid festival which included three days in person and seven days online! We as filmmakers value the in person festival experience and want to share that with our audiences! The festival will be hybrid including a virtual/online component because we believe in the accessibility that this option provides for the community at large!
Q: My question has not been answered here, how can I get in touch with your team?
A: Feel free to send us an email at [email protected] and we will get back to you within 3-5 business days.
We are accepting short films and original content with a running time of 25 minutes or under including:
- Narrative Short Films
- Documentary Short Films
- Web series Episodes
- Experimental Short Films
- Student Short Films
- Music Videos
- Environmental Films
- Super Shorts (films 2 minutes and under)
- Connecticut Short Film (films shot in Connecticut)
Please read the following carefully before you submit:
Q: Do you offer refunds once I submit to the Bridgeport Film Fest?
A: Unfortunately, no refunds will be provided. Please read all submission requirements carefully!
Q: Is there a "completed after date"?
A: All projects must have been completed after January 1, 2017.
Q: Is there a premiere status requirement?
A: Nope! We welcome all films no matter if they have premiered in other local festivals or online.
Q: My film is in another language, is that okay? Do I need English subtitles?
A: Cool! We love foreign films, but yes you are required to include English subtitles!
Q: Do you pay filmmakers to have their project shared at the Bridgeport Film Fest?
A: We do not pay screening fees, rental fees or licensing fees for submitted films.
Q: Do you offer fee waivers?
A: The Bridgeport Film Fest is a non profit organization and all submission fees go to the cost of putting on the festival. We do give out the occasional fee waiver to filmmakers. If you are a local Bridgeport filmmaker, please reach out.
Q: Are all submitted films screened?
A: All projects will be watched and rated by at least two Screeners after being submitted.
Q: Can I submit more than one film/project?
A: Yes! But you must submit the appropriate fee for each project.
Q: My screenplay is twenty-two pages long and I can't make any more cuts to it. Can I please submit anyway?
A: No, we are sorry but we are keeping a strict rule on screenplays to be a max of twenty pages!
Q: I have a co-writer on my screenplay, is that okay?
A: Yes! But sure to include both names! If your screenplay wins the contest, the writing team must figure out how to "split" the prizes.
Q: If my project/film is not admitted will you be willing to offer me constructive feedback?
A: We are a small team of mostly volunteers running this festival, however we will do our best to reply to you once the festival has closed if you do email us.
Q: You say you watched my film, but my Vimeo link says 0 views?
A: Our team definitely watch all films and projects submitted to us! It's in our best interest as a new festival to make sure we have professional standards! Plus who knows what amazing filmmakers we may encounter. That being said, please be aware that Vimeo stats are sometimes not accurately reported, especially when the link is viewed through a third party app (Roku, Apple TV, etc) or in an third party player/embedded video (FilmFreeway), as stated through Vimeo's own documentation.
Q: Are you planning to have an in person festival?
A: At the moment we are definitely planning for a hybrid festival which included three days in person and seven days online! We as filmmakers value the in person festival experience and want to share that with our audiences! The festival will be hybrid including a virtual/online component because we believe in the accessibility that this option provides for the community at large!
Q: My question has not been answered here, how can I get in touch with your team?
A: Feel free to send us an email at [email protected] and we will get back to you within 3-5 business days.